Development of a mobile robot with a roomba base and 3D motion controller
Tortue is an ongoing project aimed to develop a mobile robot with a Roomba 5XX base and a 3D motion controller, using the Robot Operating System (ROS) Platform. Latest release is version 1.0.0 which uses a Roomba 560 base and ASUS Xtion Pro Live motion sensor on ROS Electric Emys.
Date : 30 March 2013, Saturday
Hardware : Roomba 560, ASUS Xtion Pro Live, iRobot FTDI cable,
ACER Aspire One notebook laptop
Software Platform : ROS Electric (ROS 1.6.9)
Accomplishments : Basic obstacle avoidance using pcl
For this ROS package, the following must be installed,
It may be advisable to have a read about the roomba 500 drivers package installation and running.
Make sure the package is in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
$ rosmake tortue
This package should work well for any robot equipped with a Roomba 5XX base and an OpenNI device. We have used Roomba 560 and ASUS Xtion Pro Live.
Make sure the Roomba is connected via an ftdi or bluetooth and switch on the robot, the CLEAN button will have a light on, start the following node,
$ roslaunch tortue.launch